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Common Questions From Homeowners About Mice Infestations

The thought of a mice infestation can send shivers down any homeowner's spine. Not only are these little creatures unsightly, but they can also cause structural damage and pose serious health risks. It's not always easy to tackle a mice infestation yourself, and that's where a professional pest control company comes in handy. Here are some common questions homeowners have about mice infestations and how a pest control service can help you.

How Can You Identify a Mice Infestation Without Seeing Mice?

If you haven't spotted a mouse but suspect you have an infestation, a pest control company can look for telltale signs such as droppings, urine odors, gnawed furniture, or food packages to confirm their presence. They use their expertise to determine whether you have a mice issue and the extent of the problem, helping you to take prompt action.

Are Snap Traps or Poison More Effective?

The answer to this question depends on the severity of the infestation and your specific needs. A pest control company can assess your situation and recommend the best solution. While snap traps can effectively catch mice, poison baits may be used alongside them as they can offer an alternative solution if the mice traps don’t do the job. A professional service ensures that whichever method is used is applied safely and effectively.

How Can You Identify Entry Points for Mice?

Identifying entry points is a critical part of the eradication process. Pest control experts are trained to spot these entryways, which could be as small as a dime. They will inspect your home thoroughly, including areas you might not consider, such as crawl spaces and attic areas that mice can climb up to. Afterward, these entry points are sealed to prevent future infestations.

How Do You Know When All the Mice Are Gone?

One of the key benefits of hiring a pest control service is the follow-up and monitoring they provide. They employ various techniques to confirm that the mice have been completely eradicated, giving you peace of mind. For example, poison bait states can be left in the home to look for mice activity. There will be evidence if any rodent nibbles on the poison, which indicates that they are still inside. 

How Is Poison Used if You Have Pets in the Home?

The safety of your pets is a top priority. Pest control companies use pet-friendly treatments and take precautions to ensure that traps or poisons are placed in areas that are inaccessible to your pets. In addition, the poison bait stations are only small enough for a mouse to enter them and eat the poison attached to the inside. Always consult with your pest control service about safety measures to protect your furry friends.

Do Mice Carry Diseases?

Absolutely, mice can be carriers of serious diseases such as Hantavirus, Salmonella, and Leptospirosis. This makes prompt and professional intervention crucial for your family's health.

Can Mice Cause Structural Damage?

Mice are notorious for their ability to cause structural damage to homes. Equipped with strong teeth, they can gnaw through a variety of materials, including walls, electrical wiring, and even pipes. This type of damage can lead to serious consequences, such as electrical fires or water leaks, which can result in costly repairs. 

Mice infestations are more than just a nuisance; they can pose significant health risks and cause structural damage to your home. Attempting to tackle the problem yourself can be overwhelming and potentially dangerous, especially if you have pets or small children. If you suspect you have a mice infestation, don't hesitate—reach out to Pass Pest Control today!

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Although fall signals the arrival of many wonderful things – football and cooler temperatures, stink bugs are not one of them. These small, mottled gray-brownish bugs try to find a way into your house once the cooler temperatures arrive. Adult stink bugs can reach almost 2 centimeters in length and are nearly as wide as they are long. However, they appear even larger because their legs extend from the sides. Stink bugs were first collected in the Untied States in the fall of 1996 and are now most prevalent in the mid-Atlantic region. They have been identified in 44 states as well as the District of Columbia. Their name is from the bugs’ tendency to release an odor when disturbed or crushed. The odor is produced in a gland in their abdomen. You will often find stink bugs on a warmer day, after a cold snap, around your doors and windows. Their arrival seems to coincide with the harvesting of agriculture crops. To prevent these pests from entering your home, seal all cracks around windows, doors, siding, utility pipes and other openings. It is best to use a quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk. Any tears or holes in screens on windows and doors should be repaired or replaced. Since they are attracted to light, change any exterior lighting to less-attractive yellow bulbs or sodium vapor lights to try to keep the stink bugs at bay. Once stink bugs have entered your home, they may congregate almost anywhere, on furniture, under beds and sofas, on windows, and in the attic. They will not cause structural damage, nor will they reproduce in homes. They do not bite people or pets. Stinkbugs are not known to transmit disease or cause physical harm. Do not smash stink bugs as they will release an odor when you do so. Use your vacuum cleaner to remove them. Be sure to clean or empty the vacuum cleaner’s canister once finished. The best course of action is to find out how stink bugs are entering your home and eliminate the option. Contact Pass Pest Control to see what pest proofing options will work best for you and your home.
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